Our Medicare calculators and tools help take the guesswork out of Medicare. Below, you’ll find all of our tools and calculators with a brief explanation on how to use each tool.
Medicare Eligibility Calculator
Follow the steps prompted by the tool to understand your Medicare Eligibility date.

Use the Medicare Eligibility Calculator to determine when you will become eligible for Medicare coverage. Begin by selecting whether or not you receive Social Security Disability Income. If you select yes, you will need to provide the month and year of when you first began receiving SSDI. If you select no, you will need to provide your birth month, day, and year. You will then be given your result. For a more in depth look at eligibility, visit our Medicare eligibility page.
Medicare Part A Penalty Calculator

The Medicare Part A Penalty Calculator helps you determine whether you’ll need to pay a monthly premium for Part A and whether you have to pay a penalty. To use this calculator, you will first need to select how many quarters you worked and paid Social Security taxes. If less than 40 quarters, you will then be prompted to select how many months you went without Part A coverage. Once you make your selection, your penalty amount, total monthly premium, and duration of the penalty will be displayed. You can learn more about penalties on our Late Enrollment Penalties page.
Medicare Part B Penalty Calculator
If you do not enroll in Medicare Part B when you first become eligible, and you don’t have other creditable coverage, you may face a late enrollment penalty. The penalty is added to your monthly premium.

The Medicare Part B Penalty Calculator helps you determine whether or not you’ll need to pay a Part B penalty and how much the penalty will be. To begin, you will need to select how many months you went without Part B coverage. Once you make your selection, your penalty amount and monthly premium will be displayed. You can learn more about the Part B penalty by reading our Medicare Penalties article.
Medicare Part D Penalty Calculator
If you do not enroll in Medicare Part D when you first become eligible, and you don’t have other creditable drug coverage, you may face a late enrollment penalty.

The Medicare Part D Penalty Calculator helps you determine how much your Part D penalty will be. You will need to enter the number of months in which you went without Medicare Part D or creditable drug coverage. Your penalty will then be displayed. Note that this penalty is added to the monthly premium of whichever Part D plan you choose. You can learn more about the Part D penalty on our Medicare Late Enrollment Penalties page.